ESG Acceleration Scan

Strengths and weaknesses of your company’s sustainability program

Cover Winning Sustainable StrategiesOur ESG Acceleration Scan is a self-assessment tool that provides key insights into your company’s ESG program. It provides elementary feedback to enhance ESG performance in ratings such as DJSI, EcoVadis, Sustainalytics and MSCI. Our tool is based upon the principle of “vectoring”, a combination of speed and direction, from our book Winning Sustainability Strategies

On the basis of your company’s score, relevant best practices are presented to help you fill the gaps by offering several articles that can help bring your sustainability program to the next level. After all, Finch & Beak’s company purpose is to accelerate sustainability, and we love helping you do exactly that!

All the best, 

Jan van der Kaaij
Managing Partner


How strong is your reason for being in business?
The company purpose statement makes the brand more relevant to different stakeholders by connecting the why, the what and the how and it focuses on addressing the business's impact on society. For purpose statements to be effective, it is essential that they are both aspirational and sufficiently specific.

Our company has a clear purpose statement or mission.

Our purpose is aspirational and differentiated enough to give a strong sense of direction.

Our current sustainability program contributes to fulfilling our company's purpose.



How focused is your sustainability strategy?
Direction refers to the focus of sustainability programs. Clear and specific direction, in the form of a limited number of material issues, a clear business case and sufficient distinctiveness, is necessary to effectively design sustainability programs and generate coordinated decision-making.

We regularly perform materiality assessments to identify our relevant material issues.

Our sustainability program focuses on material issues on which our company has the largest impact.

Our senior leadership is fully supportive of our sustainability program.

Our current sustainability program improves our company’s competitiveness.



How well are you executing?
Speed portends to the means to gain momentum which is essential to the implementation of sustainability programs. Well designed strategies can still be executed poorly. Targets and ambitions, means and tools, and action planning help companies put Direction into action.

Our company has set ambitious goals to drive efforts towards achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

We have sufficient resources to measure and report on our progress.

Our middle-management is cultivating a culture of sustainability.

Actions for the implementation of our sustainability strategy are clearly outlined.


Value creation

What is the triple bottom-line contribution?
Value creation is the result of a successfully implemented sustainability program. The effective combination of Direction and Speed delivers value for companies through risk reduction, brand increase, cost reduction and revenue growth, usually simultaneously.

Our company's focus with sustainability is to enhance reputation and build a stronger brand.

Our company's focus with sustainability is to create new business and increase market share.

Our company's focus with sustainability is to become more responsive and improve risk management.

Our company's focus with sustainability is to cut costs and gain from eco-efficiencies.

Our company is outperforming its peers on enhancing reputation and building a stronger brand from sustainability.

Our company is outperforming its peers on generating new business and increasing market share from sustainability.

Our company is outperforming its peers on improving risk management from sustainability.

Our company is outperforming its peers on gaining eco-efficiencies from sustainability.