Finch & Beak
Finch & Beak

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Finch & Beak is now SLR Consulting, a global organization that supports its clients on setting sustainability strategies and seeing them through to implementation.

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Sustainable innovation requires effective stakeholder management

Workshop format and management game lead to concrete results
Sustainable innovation requires effective stakeholder management
Publ. date 1 Oct 2008
From its long experience with projects in the area of stakeholder management Finch & Beak has developed -in cooperation with Vestia Interconsult- a workshop format and management game. The objective of this product is to facilitate improvement between the collaboration of the various stakeholders in order to produce a clear plan of approach for social innovation.

Effective initiatives

Effective implementation of social innovation initiatives is often only feasible by narrow collaboration of the different stakeholders that seemingly have different interests. Therefore Finch & Beak has developed a format for a one day workshop that will lead to a concrete plan of attack.

From change management theory and practice situations, the process will bring the involved stakeholders together and will lead to a 5 year overview as well as a 100 days plan; amongst other through a management game. This approach has been developed from international experiences with social innovations and will be used internationally in the coming months; for instance in the social housing industry.


Contact us for more information on this product or on effective stakeholder management in general.

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